Monday 28 August 2017


The clothing used in the ancient world strongly reflects the technologies that these people mastered. Archaeology plays a significant told in documenting this aspect of ancient life, for fabric fibers, and leathers sometimes are well-preserved through time. In many culture the clothing wore was indicative of the social status achieved by various members of their society.

The attire fashion and clothing is exclusively human characteristic and is a feature of most human societies. In the most ancient days, human started to implement clothing system to protect their body from heat, sun, rain, cold, etc. And animal skins and vegetation were mainly used as materials to cover their bodies. Cothing and textiles in different periods and ages reflect the development of civilization and technologies in different periods of times at different places. Sources available for the study of clothing and textiles includes materials remain discovered via archaeology; representation of textiles  and their manufacture in art; and documents concerning the manufacture, acquisition, use, and trade of fabrics, tools, and finished garments.

In the ancient world, making cloth for garments was one of the principal occupation of women. They did this by sinning and  weaving wool to make rectangles of cloth. Such fabric lent itself to the basic garments, tunics, and shawls. Women also decorated their material with patterns and embroidery. Other fabrics besides wool were available to many, depending on wealth and location: silk, cotten, linen, and flax. Some garments required pinning or sewing. On their feet, women might wear nothing at all, sandals, or other types of footware.

Although fabric tends to disintegrate over time, some ancient scraps have survived:

" The oldest exples of textiles yet identified by archaeologists is at the Dzudzuana Cave in the former Soviet state of Georgia. There, a handful of flax fibers was discovered that had been twisied, cut and even dyed a range of colors. The fibers were radiocarbon-dated to between 30,000-36,000 years ago."

However, most of what we know about what people in the ancient world wore comes not from such rarities, but instead from letters, literary refernces, and art. If you've seen a knossian fresco, you've prbably noticed bare-chested  women in very colorful grab. While color remains for such frescoes, statues have lost their painted finish. If you've seen a Greek or Roman status of a clothes women you probably noticed the long, sinuous garments and the lack of a form fit.

Saturday 26 August 2017


Now a days, people wear fashionable clothes to show their personality and their reputation. In past clothes are just worn to cover body and there was no fashion. Rich and poor people wear same cotton clothes and there was no difference seen in their identity and look alike. Slowly the trend change, the rich people started to wore gold accessories and started to use pure silk in their clothes to show difference. The trend change further and fitted clothes were started and then fashionable clothes were started.

There are many positive point of wearing fashionable clothes but it share some negative points also. The postive things about fashionable cloth are that it shows people's reputation,personality and progressive nature and negative side, sometimes these clothes shows wrong identity of people that it help to make other people fool or chat.

Firstly the fashion clothes shows that he is a rich person for example if the person were Armani suit than people will think he must be having big house, fleets of car, farm houses in exotic location, enjoying holiday in Europe.

Secondly the clothes shows the personality for example in offices bosses order employees to wear smart clothes that suits your personality and appoint those people who wear smart clothes and look good. The girls also prefer guys with handsome looks and fashionable clothes.

Thirdly the clothes show progressive nature for example some employers start dressing same like their seniors it shows that they want to reach to their seniors post and even progress further.

There are many positive things about fashionable clothes and it has negative too same times. There clothes change the identity of person for example I read in newspapee that in marriage, thieves wear fashionable clothes and stole brides jewellery. So some times these clothes make poor people look rich and can cheat people very easily. Even guys try  to cheat rich girls by wearing these trendy  clothes.


Fashion trends come and go; meanwhile a society's values are established and evolving characteristic  to their beliefs and culture. Fashion is just not an ambitious projected image of a reinterpreted good old vaue to fulfill some function or agenda alike but rather a evocative and refreshing concept worthly enough to be portrayed for society's appreciation that makes us even more instinctive. In the society, the individual's appearance is the ticket to transmit non verbal communication signals such as possible cues about his/ her social stature, values and lifestyle. Fashion communication has under gone a 360 degree shift in its communicable aspects staring from projecting a basic image of how we look like and how we feel like to expressing our emotional experiences through interactive implements in the dress.

The success of  the fashion trend lies in the way the society interprets the fashion trend and judges it. Hence the impact is measured by the barometer of social acceptance which in turn is driven by the several motivational forces that underline the people's values and behavioral traits. Today's consumer culture is driven by aspirationalism that diminishes the gap  between the rich and econonmically volatile sections when it comes to accepting and adopting a trend.

In fact clothing and fashion are carries of wide of ideological meanings. The fashion trends portray a visual culture and style of dressing that models the consumer identity in a specific environment. The social agenda of these fashion trends is to express the consumer's identity in terms of lifestyle choices and their attitude. The lifestyle choice change from one period to another period. In other words they suggest the pattern & manner of dressing befitting an occasion that sets forth a standard. These clothing standards are in fact derived from the prevailing social values and their emotional expectation.

Saturday 12 August 2017


Fashion is the form of clothing, accessories, and furniture. It can be used by normal people or the celebrities. It is related to culture and weather. For example, we have warm clothes in the Swedish fashion and we have thin clothes in the African fashion.

Fashion is a source of looking better and attractive.

In our society, there are many issue that affect teens. Fashion is a popular style of clothes, hair, manners, habits, etc at a particular time or place. Clothes mark out a women's status. The craze for fashion is great among young people all over the world. Fashion has spread in all the spheres of our life. Fashion desiging it's a lucrativg profession. Fashion parades and shows are held to exhibit the latest dressess. Dresses are designed to fit in every occasion of life. Students generally try to copy fashion from films. Many students spend a lot of money and time on fashion. Parties and meetings have become a part of fashion in the modern period. However fashion instills confidence in the mind of the youngsters.

Fashion should be promoted to enrich our life, not degrade it. Teenagers of the present times have involved themselves so much with fashion that they don't  get sufficient time for other work. Instead of reading textbooks that prefer to read fashion magazines. They try hard to imitate the models or glam faces so as to resemblance them. The time they should spend in their studies, they spend in watching programmes on tv, reading fashion articles or finding the recent trendy clothes on the web struggle in their everyday life.

Fashion may be defined as way of living, decorating, etc. . . . which are popular today, but which would soon lose their popularity. It is something passing and transitory a mere craze of the moment to be looked down up on with contempt.

Fashion is a tyrant no tyrant is greater than that of fashion. Everyone tries to imitate the latest fashion . The youth specially are mad after it. They would not mind any expenditure to be in fashion. They must have their clothes cut according to the latest voyue, their hair made up according to the latest style even if this places a heavy burden on their parent's. Many of them realize that a particular fashion would soon pass away; even then they waste their money over it costly articles of dress are often discarded, only because the fashion has passed away. Girls specially educated ones, are the worst sinners in this respect. They are crazy after sarees of the latest designs and other beauty aids which many happen to be popular at a particular time. Fashion is a tyrant which exacts strict adherence to its orders from its slaves.

Friday 4 August 2017



Image result for prom dresses

Choosing to make the world a more fashionable place as their good samaritan deed of the day, a revolution has been brewing in the fashion blogging world proving that there's more to fashion than fancy couture.

Fashion is a popular style or practice,especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body or furniture. Fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend in the style in which a person dresses.

If clothes had a beauty pageant contest my money would be on dresses. Just think about it are they not the one price we always go to when we wanna be headache- free style wise? unlike jeans,or tops or skirts, which all require a pairing item dresses.... you just need to slap'em a pair of shoes and a bag, and finito! Also, they go in any season and for any occasion.

But thank God there is no such contest, otherwise we'd probably end up in marshmallows, cup cakes and candies, and I'm not talking sweets, but dresses so sweet it'd either make normal people throw up or 40 years old women who'd wear them look well... ridiculous.and that's a very nice way of putting it.

courtesy of the times we're in though, everything can live side by side with any thing, and when it comes to dresses, this summer screams so many styles it's a blessing. It's like the fashion gurus have finally decided to stop niching and just give the women what they want and are comfortable with.

Then, you can of course flaunt your stuff in any dress style, micro-minis included. If however, you're more on the human teeny tiny flawed side.

1. You are not alone and
2. Perfection is boring, so find the dress you like and rock the party.