Saturday 26 August 2017


Now a days, people wear fashionable clothes to show their personality and their reputation. In past clothes are just worn to cover body and there was no fashion. Rich and poor people wear same cotton clothes and there was no difference seen in their identity and look alike. Slowly the trend change, the rich people started to wore gold accessories and started to use pure silk in their clothes to show difference. The trend change further and fitted clothes were started and then fashionable clothes were started.

There are many positive point of wearing fashionable clothes but it share some negative points also. The postive things about fashionable cloth are that it shows people's reputation,personality and progressive nature and negative side, sometimes these clothes shows wrong identity of people that it help to make other people fool or chat.

Firstly the fashion clothes shows that he is a rich person for example if the person were Armani suit than people will think he must be having big house, fleets of car, farm houses in exotic location, enjoying holiday in Europe.

Secondly the clothes shows the personality for example in offices bosses order employees to wear smart clothes that suits your personality and appoint those people who wear smart clothes and look good. The girls also prefer guys with handsome looks and fashionable clothes.

Thirdly the clothes show progressive nature for example some employers start dressing same like their seniors it shows that they want to reach to their seniors post and even progress further.

There are many positive things about fashionable clothes and it has negative too same times. There clothes change the identity of person for example I read in newspapee that in marriage, thieves wear fashionable clothes and stole brides jewellery. So some times these clothes make poor people look rich and can cheat people very easily. Even guys try  to cheat rich girls by wearing these trendy  clothes.