Saturday 12 August 2017


Fashion is the form of clothing, accessories, and furniture. It can be used by normal people or the celebrities. It is related to culture and weather. For example, we have warm clothes in the Swedish fashion and we have thin clothes in the African fashion.

Fashion is a source of looking better and attractive.

In our society, there are many issue that affect teens. Fashion is a popular style of clothes, hair, manners, habits, etc at a particular time or place. Clothes mark out a women's status. The craze for fashion is great among young people all over the world. Fashion has spread in all the spheres of our life. Fashion desiging it's a lucrativg profession. Fashion parades and shows are held to exhibit the latest dressess. Dresses are designed to fit in every occasion of life. Students generally try to copy fashion from films. Many students spend a lot of money and time on fashion. Parties and meetings have become a part of fashion in the modern period. However fashion instills confidence in the mind of the youngsters.

Fashion should be promoted to enrich our life, not degrade it. Teenagers of the present times have involved themselves so much with fashion that they don't  get sufficient time for other work. Instead of reading textbooks that prefer to read fashion magazines. They try hard to imitate the models or glam faces so as to resemblance them. The time they should spend in their studies, they spend in watching programmes on tv, reading fashion articles or finding the recent trendy clothes on the web struggle in their everyday life.

Fashion may be defined as way of living, decorating, etc. . . . which are popular today, but which would soon lose their popularity. It is something passing and transitory a mere craze of the moment to be looked down up on with contempt.

Fashion is a tyrant no tyrant is greater than that of fashion. Everyone tries to imitate the latest fashion . The youth specially are mad after it. They would not mind any expenditure to be in fashion. They must have their clothes cut according to the latest voyue, their hair made up according to the latest style even if this places a heavy burden on their parent's. Many of them realize that a particular fashion would soon pass away; even then they waste their money over it costly articles of dress are often discarded, only because the fashion has passed away. Girls specially educated ones, are the worst sinners in this respect. They are crazy after sarees of the latest designs and other beauty aids which many happen to be popular at a particular time. Fashion is a tyrant which exacts strict adherence to its orders from its slaves.