Monday 28 August 2017


The clothing used in the ancient world strongly reflects the technologies that these people mastered. Archaeology plays a significant told in documenting this aspect of ancient life, for fabric fibers, and leathers sometimes are well-preserved through time. In many culture the clothing wore was indicative of the social status achieved by various members of their society.

The attire fashion and clothing is exclusively human characteristic and is a feature of most human societies. In the most ancient days, human started to implement clothing system to protect their body from heat, sun, rain, cold, etc. And animal skins and vegetation were mainly used as materials to cover their bodies. Cothing and textiles in different periods and ages reflect the development of civilization and technologies in different periods of times at different places. Sources available for the study of clothing and textiles includes materials remain discovered via archaeology; representation of textiles  and their manufacture in art; and documents concerning the manufacture, acquisition, use, and trade of fabrics, tools, and finished garments.

In the ancient world, making cloth for garments was one of the principal occupation of women. They did this by sinning and  weaving wool to make rectangles of cloth. Such fabric lent itself to the basic garments, tunics, and shawls. Women also decorated their material with patterns and embroidery. Other fabrics besides wool were available to many, depending on wealth and location: silk, cotten, linen, and flax. Some garments required pinning or sewing. On their feet, women might wear nothing at all, sandals, or other types of footware.

Although fabric tends to disintegrate over time, some ancient scraps have survived:

" The oldest exples of textiles yet identified by archaeologists is at the Dzudzuana Cave in the former Soviet state of Georgia. There, a handful of flax fibers was discovered that had been twisied, cut and even dyed a range of colors. The fibers were radiocarbon-dated to between 30,000-36,000 years ago."

However, most of what we know about what people in the ancient world wore comes not from such rarities, but instead from letters, literary refernces, and art. If you've seen a knossian fresco, you've prbably noticed bare-chested  women in very colorful grab. While color remains for such frescoes, statues have lost their painted finish. If you've seen a Greek or Roman status of a clothes women you probably noticed the long, sinuous garments and the lack of a form fit.