Saturday 26 August 2017


Fashion trends come and go; meanwhile a society's values are established and evolving characteristic  to their beliefs and culture. Fashion is just not an ambitious projected image of a reinterpreted good old vaue to fulfill some function or agenda alike but rather a evocative and refreshing concept worthly enough to be portrayed for society's appreciation that makes us even more instinctive. In the society, the individual's appearance is the ticket to transmit non verbal communication signals such as possible cues about his/ her social stature, values and lifestyle. Fashion communication has under gone a 360 degree shift in its communicable aspects staring from projecting a basic image of how we look like and how we feel like to expressing our emotional experiences through interactive implements in the dress.

The success of  the fashion trend lies in the way the society interprets the fashion trend and judges it. Hence the impact is measured by the barometer of social acceptance which in turn is driven by the several motivational forces that underline the people's values and behavioral traits. Today's consumer culture is driven by aspirationalism that diminishes the gap  between the rich and econonmically volatile sections when it comes to accepting and adopting a trend.

In fact clothing and fashion are carries of wide of ideological meanings. The fashion trends portray a visual culture and style of dressing that models the consumer identity in a specific environment. The social agenda of these fashion trends is to express the consumer's identity in terms of lifestyle choices and their attitude. The lifestyle choice change from one period to another period. In other words they suggest the pattern & manner of dressing befitting an occasion that sets forth a standard. These clothing standards are in fact derived from the prevailing social values and their emotional expectation.